Disciplinary Categories in WoS

WoS Categories used in VQR 2011-2014 

1) Click on Browse by Journal to filter a list of journals classified in the same category - in this case the list is displayed by Impact Factor value, but customization is allowed based on other bibliometric indicators, as well as organizing the results clicking on a column’s header. A series of informative categories useful to refine the search (e.g. quartile selection) are displayed on the left side of the screen;

2) Click on Browse by Category to start browsing from a known category and selecting the journals contained in each category;

3) Start browsing from the journal and find the category browsing inside the same journal’s webpage. 

Disciplinary Categories in Scopus

Scopus Categories used in VQR 2011-2014

The journals categorized in Scopus are accessible entering the platform Scimago Journal Ranking, where it is possible to select both general classes and subclasses. 

The portal has the same name as the correspondent bibliometric indicator and allows to check all journals indexed in Scopus, pinpointing the disciplinary categories they belong to, as well as the correlated indicators and the quartiles. 

The quartile of a journal is calculated taking into account the journal's ranking in its disciplinary category (Category Ranking). It is considered as a position indicator, the position given by the values of the indicators themselves, i.e. IF for WoS and SJR for Scopus. 

If the same journal is indexed in more than one disciplinary category, different quartiles may be assigned.

The parameters for the classification in the two databases are not completely converging. For instance, it is possible that a journal is not indexed in one of them or that the degree assigned is different between the two, changing the number and the typology of the disciplinary categories assigned. 

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