- Articoli: Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research, The purpose of publications in a pandemic and beyond, Open science takes on the coronavirus pandemic, The COVID-19 experience shows the value of sharing information, Cancelling with the world’s largest scholarly publisher: lessons from the Swedish experience of having no access to Elsevier.
- EU Hackathon #EUvsVirus, svoltosi il 24-26 aprile.
- Le raccomandazioni e le linee guida RDA sui dati relativi a COVID-19.
- Webinars: 3 webinar dell'EUA su valutazione e Open Science, 2 webinar di OpenAire webinars relativi ad alcuni aspetti della gestione dei dati.
- Rilascio: Coronavirus Open Citations Dataset.
- Lancio di piattaforma: European Commission COVID-19 Data portal; qui il link diretto.
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