"HuMetricsHSS is an initiative for rethinking humane indicators of excellence in academia, focused particularly on the humanities and social sciences (HSS). Comprised of individuals and organizations from the academic, commercial, and non-profit sectors, HuMetricsHSS endeavors to create and support a values-based framework for understanding and evaluating all aspects of the scholarly life well-lived and for promoting the nurturing of these values in scholarly practice. We are currently in the initial, exploratory phase of the project.
HuMetricsHSS takes the approach that metrics should only be used to measure a scholar’s progress toward embodying five values that our initial research suggests are central to all HSS disciplines:
- COLLEGIALITY, which can be described as the professional practices of kindness, generosity, and empathy toward other scholars and oneself;
- QUALITY, a value that demonstrates one’s originality, willingness to push boundaries, methodological soundness, and the advancement of knowledge both within one’s own discipline and among other disciplines and with the general public, as well;
- EQUITY, or the willingness to undertake study with social justice, equitable access to research, and the public good in mind;
- OPENNESS, which includes a researcher’s transparency, candor, and accountability, in addition to the practice of making one’s research OPEN ACCESS at all stages; and
- COMMUNITY, the value of being engaged in one’s community of practice and with the public at large and also in practicing principled leadership."
News from HuMetricsHSS website