"The purpose of these workshops is to explore how existing infrastructures can work together and understand how to deliver services that support the creation of FAIR research outputs. The three half-day events, tailored to different audiences, will examine the scholarly and research ecosystem, what exists, what could be modified, and will give insights into optimum service provisioning. They will also be a chance to engage experts and audiences on how to turn FAIR data into reality."
"Dates and Information
WORKSHOP: Services to Support FAIR Data: from theory to implementation
WHEN and WHERE: 12 April 2019, Prague (Czech Republic)
TARGET AUDIENCE: service providers - European event.
REGISTRATION: Registration fee required for the EOSC hub week.
WORKSHOP: Services to support FAIR data
WHEN and WHERE: 24 April 2019, Vienna (Austria)
TARGET AUDIENCE: local event, users.
REGISTRATION: This event is free.
WORKSHOP: Services to Support FAIR data, tbc, Open Science FAIR
WHEN and WHERE: 17 September 2019, Porto (Portugal)
TARGET AUDIENCE: users and service providers - European event.
REGISTRATION: This event is free."
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