Thanks to the collaboration provided by the library systems of the universities of Milan, Sapienza, Messina, Catania, Bari, Genoa and Bologna, some meetings on Plan S will take place in the coming weeks.
The aim is to illustrate the Plan S proposal to teaching and research staff, PhD students and other students, to give updates on its implementation, to stimulate discussion, gather critics, perplexity and consensus. The discussion will include topics necessarily related to the evaluation of the research and its link with Bibliometry, the Italian and European legislation, the role of electronic archives, and transformative agreements.
Here the program:
- January 29, University of Milan
- March 4, University of Messina
- March 5, University of Catania
- March 8, the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (here the event recording)
- March 14, University of Bari
- March 20, University of Genoa
It is a revised OA Italia mailing list news